Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Angelenos...Who We Are

Malibu's Dirty Little Secret
Most of the parcels in Malibu, L.A.'s iconic coastal city, have septic systems. Residents say that it is to keep the size of the city in check--however that is bull shit--in more ways than one. The real issue is cost. There is a move at foot to ban septic systems in the central part of the city and the estimated cost to home owners is $1,000 a month. I personally know geologists that have done soils testing in Malibu and have told me that, for years, it has been common in Malibu for raw sewerage to spew down the canyons.

Why is it that so many of L.A.'s celebrities have plenty of time and money to fight the elephant park at the L.A. Zoo, keep inner city land owners from building new buildings, and to keep industry out of SoCal--but cannot even clean up their own SHIT? Go figure...they would not be hypocrites, now would they?

Need Privacy?
Speaking of hypocrites, we Angelenos do love our Dodgers--when they are winning. The last couple days have not been too promising. We just do not have the passion that residents in say, Green Bay, have.

However, the better story is Jamie and Frank McCourt--owners of the Dodgers. You gotta love it; they announce their break up just before their team enters the playoffs and then they ask the media for...privacy...you've got to be kidding!

At least we still have Vin Scully--at 81, he is still calling the Dodger games; nearly 10,000 of them during his 6 decades as the Dodger's brodcaster. This guy is a real class act--especially compared to the current Dodger owners. Hats off to you Vin, I can still remember listening to you in my parent's 1962 Chevy wagon, during our drives to Lake Cachuma for weekend camping trips. You are my positive connection to the past.

Taking the Fun Away
Yes, Los Angeles County District Attorney, Steve Cooley plans to prosecute medical marijuana dispensaries for over-the counter sales. What? They should do it from the back door? Come on Steve, In California we voted to decriminalize marijuana years ago. This is as bad as the Governor of California dealing with global warming while "Rome burns." The state is in a world of financial hurt and Arnold is worried about global warming? In Los Angeles county, we have some of the worst gang problems in the country and Steve, you are worrying about the liscensed medical marijuana dispensaries?

Just think if we could get the politicians to quit taking bribes, I mean reelection campaign dollars, laundered from gang money--and just make the crap completely legal--the only people that would be hurt is the gang members that make millions selling drugs on the streets of Los Angeles. Tax the stuff like is now done with tobacco and alcohol, and the State's deficete would be resolved--oh yes--that's just too lodgical--we can't do that.

By the way, 25% of the California jail population is from drug convictions. And we have over crowding in our jails..a problem that the Feds are demanding be resolved...am I the only one that sees something here?